I am not hip. I am not a hipster. But put me in the middle of "Frisco" and I too can feel the stylin' vibe that rocks that Californian city. And similar to my Frisco sensory experience, I totally felt the vibe happening this past weekend at an ultra race down in North Carolina.
I'm not talking about the groovy sense of
je ne sais quoi that accompanies the ultra running scene. I'm talking about Hokas Baby! Everywhere I looked svelt runners embarking on a hundred miles of pure running bliss were decked out in Hoka running shoes. And here is another groovy
thang - their colours. Canvas died a rich lime green, alarming red or psychadelic yellow cover the surface of these European imports.
Okay - maybe not
everyone was sporting the Hokas. But the kids are even wearing them in the prestigious 135 mile Badwater race through Death Valley this summer. And a scientific, recovery-drink making 100 mile runner from last weekend also spoke of their virtues. I swear, every time I put my head down on that trail my eyes fell upon a Hoka.
You know that old reflective question you used to ask short-sighted folks, "If everyone was jumping off of a cliff, does that mean you'd jump off too?" Well, if you asked it of me, my response would be, "It depends - is everyone wearing Hokas?"
Hoka One One